Project Kodiak

Posted: 9th February 2020 by kyle in Project Kodiak

Project Kodiak is my first real attempt to enter into the world of archery hunting. The only catch is I plan on using the bow I bought back in the late ’90s a Bear Kodiak. The serial number tag says 1990 so this a 30-year-old bow this year.

Our journey starts at of all place Wallmart were they were closing out some archery gear I pick up a release and whiskers biscuit. After installing the whisker biscuit I realized shooting down the arrow will not work So upgrade where need. Thanks to the great guy over at Archer’s Addiction on the Renner exit of I-29 he hooked me up with new string, sight, peep sight and release loop.

When i pick up the bow last week he took the time to help me sight for 20 yards. We made the first adjustment and took some time to shoot it looks like I am going to need a lot of practice to get good enough for hunting.